19 Aralık 2012 Çarşamba


47' Beneteau Oceanis 473 2003 Andiamo $149,000
46' Beneteau Oceanis 461 2001 Summer Wind $149,000
46' Grand Soleil 46 1987 Paraty $139,000
46' Hunter 466 2002 Dreamtime $179,000
42' Catalina 42 Mark II 1996 Star Gazer $119,000
36' Beneteau Oceanis 361 2000 Jewel of Paradise $59,000
33' Rinker 310 EC 2011 Rana 36 $139,000

Contact us at info@bviyachtsales.com and we will forward you to the appropriate listing broker.  Each broker will then send additional information with full photo sets and all the information regarding the vessel.  We are the "Informative Brokers" who let you know all the in's and out's of each boat including the "Good, Bad and the Ugly".  You will be able to make the right decision and choose the right boat for you.  Contact us today!

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